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The Lesson of the Immaculate Conception

Today is the glorious Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  On this day, so close to the celebration of the birth of Our Lord, this Feast forces us to reflect on the purity and perfection of Our Lord’s Incarnation.  If Our Lady entered this world spotless, full of grace, already united to Our Lord, and without the flaws of the Fall which incline us to evil, how much more perfect and strong and pure was the humanity of Our Lord, even moreso due to the union of His humanity with His Divine nature!  God prepared Mary, the vessel to receive and mold the humanity of His Son, the one to raise the Son of God to mature manhood, by giving her a singular gift.  Thus prepared, she embraced the Incarnation and Birth of Christ in the most perfect manner possible.  Let us turn to her, our Mother, and learn from her how to receive Our Lord at His Birth with adoration and piety and love.

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